Best Build Granger New Hero Marksman Automatically Ban in Draft Pick

Mobile Legends will release a new hero with the role of marksman, this Hero will be the best choice for those of you who like the role of marksman. 

The skill possessed by this hero adapts the skills of 3 heroes, namely moskov, claude and kimmy.

Why ? Granger's first skill is a series of attacks against opponents and almost like the ultimate claude. The second skill is the ability to move towards a certain direction that reaches moskov's abilities. 

Ultimate granger skills resemble the ultimate Kimmy skill but granger attacks get 3 times the chance to the opponent. For more details, read below

Skills Granger New hero Marksman 

  1. Caprice - Passive - Granger can fill his gun with up to 6 bullets at a time As 6 is his lucky number each 6th bullet deals critical dmg. he gainshalf att speed from equipment or emblem
  2. Rhapsody - Skill 1 - he shoots all his bullet in a forward direction each bullet deals 30 point of physical dmg include 80% total physical atk againts enemies
  3. Rondo - Skill 2 - He blinks in the designated direction and his next 2 basic att deal extra 10% of damage each time rhapsody hits an enemy her the CD of this skill will be reduced by 0.5 seconds
  4. Death Sonata - Ultimate - Granger transforms his violin into gun and fills it with 3 supper bullets in next 4s. He will shoot the supper bullet forward. The super bullets ignores the minions along the way and only affects heroes. Super bullets explode upon hitting the first enemy hero dealing 150 point of physical dmg include 100% total physical atk to enemies nearby and slows them 80% each time granger shoots a super bullet he can move to another location.
Best Equipment For Granger

Swift Boots
Berserker's Fury
haas's Claws
Scarlet Phantom
Blade of Despair
Swift Boots
Berserker;s Fury
Bloodlust Axe
Endless Battle
Blade Of Despair
Hunter Strike
Swift Boots
Scarlet Phantom
Haas's Claws
Berserker's Fury
Rose Gold Meteor
Blade Of Despair

The three best emblems above are the best set items for granger, you need to experiment to find the right emblem. But I prefer to use emblem number one, why? Because I like scarlet phantom and windtalker items that will have the effect of speed and agility

Best Spells For Granger

flicker or aegis spells can still be used for granger. But I recommend using a sprint, why? Apart from running fast, this spell is used gradually to move in a certain direction quickly, can be used to run away or chase opponents quickly. For problems running away from the opposing crowd, granger can use skill 2

Best Emblem For Granger

Of course the marksman emblem is highly recommended for hero users with the role of marksman. Maximize the level and open the emblem slot to the end and use the third slot

How To Use Granger

when you use basic att, you will get the opportunity according to the number of bullet slots. When the slot runs out, you cannot attack your opponent, wait a while for the bullet slot to fill again. Meanwhile, you can use skill 2 to move to a certain location. Combine well between skill 1 with the ultimate skill, so you get the chance to win more

I wrote this article when a new hero appeared on an advanced server. This hero review is based on the results of the original character type and the first time the release is on the advanced server, so if there is a slight difference then there is an improvement from the mobile legends developer for the original server.

And the best build hero, maybe there are some items that don't yet exist on the advanced server. Because the item has not been updated on the advanced server.

Every build in this article only attempts the hero you use to have maximum power and be comfortable to use. The rest is your ability to complete your items and how to play.

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