Best Build Carmilla New Hero Master of Support Mobile Legend

It's very rare for Mobile Legends to update heroes with beautiful skins. But this time we will be given a surprise by ML a hero with a very charming appearance. Namely Carmilla, this hero has a role as support.

Carmilla is a master of hero support, so I call it. Because Carmilla has all the skills needed to be the best support hero. She has a stunned effect, She has a movement speed skill. Of course She has enough strength to defeat the hero.

The effect of increasing movement speed is on skill one and skill two and the stunned effect is on skill 2 and ultimate skill. Unlike the other support heroes who have passive skills: long distance. But Carmilla fights heroes with melee skills, so we need additional defense type items.

Skill Carmilla Mobile Legend

  1. Passive : Carmilla steals 3-6 physical and magic defense from enemy while dealing dmg to them. Each target can be stolen only once in 5 second. The stolen physical and magic defense can be stacked up to 5 times. last for 3 second
  2. Crimson Flower : Carmilla increases her movement speed 25% and summons 2 crimson flower spinning around her for 5 second. Enemy hit by the crimson flowers will receive 75 magic damage include 40% total magic power then be slow by 30% for 0.8 second. meanwhile the spinning speed of the crimson folwer will be increased.
  3. Bloodbath : Carmilla accumulates bloodbath energy and increaseing her movement speed 45% for 3.5 second. If use again : Carmilla casts bloodbath energy to a designated enemy dealing 175 magic dmg till 300 magic damage, include total magic power. And stunning enemy for 0.9 till 1.5 second. The dmg and stunning time scale with the blood bath energy accumulation.
  4. Ultimate Curse of Blood : Carmilla casts of blood in a designated direction. The curse will spread out from the enemy hit to nearby enemy heroes dealing 300 magic dmg include 120% total magic power. And slowing them by 35% for 5 second (4 tagerts enemy). The Enemy reached by the curse share the debuff of dmg and control effects which decreases by 50%.
Best Item Equipment For Carmilla

When I tested using this build. The first thing I felt was the balance between defense and strength. But when we fight the hero which number is still lacking in my opinion. Surely it can be overcome by doing a recall first.

For those of you who don't feel used to doing hero recall and want to continue to be in the arena. I suggest using this second best build. Because there are items which give a regen effect like calamity reaper.

If you really like being a support role. This third build is very suitable for use.

Best Spell For Camilla

The best spell I use when using Carmilla is the aegis spell. Why ? Because in my opinion Carmilla can use aegis to help survive the match, besides that the effect can also be felt by teammates. Of course you can use spell sprints if you want to intend to get around the arena.

Best Emblem For Carmilla

Emblems that are suitable for Carmilla in my opinion are emblems with mage or magical type because the effect of the skill given to the opponent is a magic effect so using the emblem is worth it. But my friend can just use the support emblem to adjust his role as hero support.

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1 Response to "Best Build Carmilla New Hero Master of Support Mobile Legend"

  1. Curse of Blood yang jadi ultimate Skill Carmilla dengan kemampuan yang luar biasa. Skill ini memberi damage besar dan efek slow yang merepotkan pada musuh yang jadi korbannya. Skill ini juga bisa berpindah tempat ke empat Hero lainnya yang ada dalam area untuk memberi efek yang serupa. Kemudian, Hero lawan akan terhubung satu sama lain dan membagi efek CC serta damage sebesar 50%.


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